There are many different ways to participate in our community at Highland Hills. Your presence with us is an honor.

If you choose to worship with us on a Sunday morning, feel free to park anywhere, but the easiest entrance is under the overhang on the left side of the building, just past the sanctuary.
There you will be greeted by a smiling face and someone who can guide you to the right place. People gather for Sunday School around 9:45 a.m., but classes start at 10:00 a.m. If you have children, you can sign them in with their Sunday Shepherds downstairs in our Children’s ministry wing. You can check out all our connection groups here, including options that meet during the week rather than on Sunday morning.
​Our worship service starts at 11:00 a.m. with a chiming of the hour and organ prelude, but even if you are running a bit late, feel free to come right on in! If you are worshiping with us online you can find the live stream for this week’s service here or check out previous services here.

In addition to our various connection groups, on Wednesday nights throughout the year we gather for Family Night Supper. This is a time of warm fellowship, prayer, and study. Dinner starts at 5:45 p.m., followed by prayer for members in our community and a short study led by our pastors. Childcare is provided. You can learn more about Family Night Supper here.
We are grateful for your presence with us. We look forward to getting to know you and welcoming you into our community. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

What should I expect on my first visit?If your first visit brings you to the Sanctuary for worship, you’ll be greeted and handed a worship bulletin, which includes the order of service plus announcements about upcoming events. Worship generally lasts an hour or sometimes slightly less. As a guest we won’t ask you to raise your hand or stand during the service. You can fill out your information on the guest card on the back of the pew, if you’d like to do so. If you visit for Sunday School, you might enter through the covered doorway on the left of the church where greeters will help you find a class. Our children’s classes are located on the lower level, so you could park and enter through the doors nearest the playground. Sunday School starts at 9:45 a.m. and lasts one hour.
When and where are services on Sunday mornings?We have one worship service on Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. in our Sanctuary (where the steeple is). Worship generally lasts an hour or sometimes less. Worship at Highland Hills can be described as traditional because we sing hymns, we have a choir and pipe organ, and we don’t have a screen in the Sanctuary. Our worship is warm and reverent, not overly formal or stuffy. We follow the liturgical calendar, which gives our worship structure as we observe the seasons of the church year like Lent and Advent.
Where should I park?There are parking spots reserved for guests in the parking area to the left of the Sanctuary entrance (where the steeple is). Our parking lot makes a loop around the building and you are welcome to park in any open spaces.
What should I wear when I visit?Whatever you’re comfortable with. You’ll see everything from jeans and sneakers to suits and ties, but most people choose a business-casual kind of look.
Are small children welcome? Is childcare available?The presence of children is a gift to the church. They are valuable members of our faith family and we welcome them into this house of worship. We also have age appropriate care and activities for every child during Sunday School (9:45-10:45), and childcare is available during the 11:00 worship service for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. The preschool classes are located on the lower level to the right of the Sanctuary.
Is the church accessible to wheelchair users?Our main exterior doors are fully accessible. We have wheelchair ramps at the Sanctuary doors and at the lower level entrance on the right side of the building. An elevator is available at the same ramped lower level entrance.
What is a CBF church?We are part of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. As a CBF congregation, we are deeply committed to Christ as Lord and to our responsibility to use the gifts God has given us to continue Christ’s ministry in our community and around the world. We affirm that God calls women and men to all kinds of leadership in congregational life. We embrace a collaborative approach to congregational leadership, as ministers, lay leaders and the congregation work together to find God’s unique call for our life and mission. To learn more about our fellowship of Baptist congregations, visit http://www.cbf.net/about/.
How can I join the church?Individuals can join in the following ways: By making a profession of faith and being baptized. Our method of baptism is immersion. By reaffirmation of a previous profession of faith and Christian baptism. If you’ve been baptized in another Christian tradition or by a method other than immersion, that works for us. By transferring your membership from another Christian congregation. Our ministers will be glad to talk with you about your faith journey or church membership.
May I get married at Highland Hills?Yes, all couples seeking to be married in a Christian ceremony are welcome to have their wedding at Highland Hills, even those who are not members of the church. Weddings can be held in the Sanctuary, chapel, courtyard, or amphitheater. Learn more about our facilities and policies here.
What should I do if I have more questions?Feel free to contact any member of our staff. You might start with calling Cameron Schroeder in our church office. You can also send an email to churchoffice@highlandhillsbaptist.org and your message will be directed to someone who will get back to you.
How can I get involved at HHBC and beyond?One of the joys of being connected with a church family is serving and working together. We encourage everyone at HHBC to find a place to serve. If you’d like to know more about how to serve within HHBC and in our community, click here.
What is Realm?Realm is a ministry tool, a church directory, an online giving portal, a place to connect with others in the church community.
Why use Realm?Realm strengthens church connections by connecting people from anywhere at any time, from our mobile devices. It engages everyone in the life of the church by staying organized, informed, and share life together.
What about my privacy?Realm is safe, private, and secure. Realm is only made up of the people in our church; it’s not like a social network that’s open to everyone. Realm keeps your data safe and gives you control over what information you share and who can see it.
What about giving?Realm gives you control over your giving by placing it right in the palm of your hands. You may set up recurring gifts, view your giving history, and make changes at any time. Realm automatically records all electronic gifts and adds them to your giving record making it easy for you to give, and easy for our bookkeeper to track.
Frequently Asked Questions