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Sign Up to Serve on a Committee


Highland Hills is a church community cared for and led by the laity. We actively shape the life of our church together through our different availability and abilities, skills, desires, and gifts. The ministry of HHBC would not happen without your commitment and involvement. This act of service is a gift to God and to one another, and it is an important part of our own spiritual journeys.

Each year, our Nominating Committee compiles a chart of opportunities to serve. We ask that you carefully consider how you might commit to love and serve this community over the coming year. Perhaps it will be a place where you have served for many years or perhaps you will feel led to step out into a new way of serving, but there is a place for you to serve here. Your service matters.

In November, as part of our Church Conference, we will honor and approve these commitments and celebrate the ministry we have shared in 2024, even as we excitedly look toward the ministry of 2025.

You can sign up to serve by writing your name on the whiteboard in the main hallway, or by calling or emailing the church office.

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